Tragedy in Mardin: Mother and Two Children Fall from 6th Floor

A mother and her two children fell from the 6th floor of an apartment building in Mardin.

Gündem - 3 ay önce

A tragic incident occurred in Atatürk Mahallesi, Kızıltepe district of Mardin in the afternoon. Semire Aktürk noticed that her 6-year-old visually impaired daughter was about to fall from the balcony. At that moment, the mother, who had her 3-year-old son in her arms, panicked and tried to save her children. Losing her balance, the mother and two children fell from the 6th floor. Health and police teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification. The mother and two children were taken to the hospital after the initial intervention at the scene. Despite all efforts, Semire Aktürk and her son could not be saved. The little girl, whose heart was restarted and taken to the intensive care unit, is currently under treatment.

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