Ministries Cast Their Votes in Ankara for Local Elections

Ministries, including Agriculture and Forestry, Family and Social Services, Interior, Transportation and Infrastructure, Education, Trade, Industry and Technology, and Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, cast their votes in Ankara for the local elections.

Siyaset - 2 ay önce

Ministers from various ministries in Ankara cast their votes for the local elections that took place in the capital.

The Agriculture and Forestry Minister Ibrahim Yumaklı, along with other ministers, expressed their hopes for a high voter turnout and the importance of democracy in the country.

Minister Yumaklı emphasized that elections are a celebration of democracy and encouraged all citizens to participate in the democratic process. He wished for a peaceful and successful election day, with the results being beneficial for the country.

Similarly, other ministers, such as the Family and Social Services Minister Göktaş, the Interior Minister Yerlikaya, the Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Uraloğlu, the Education Minister Tekin, the Trade Minister Bolat, the Industry and Technology Minister Kacır, and the Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Özhaseki, all highlighted the significance of the elections and the role of the voters in shaping the future of their cities and regions.They each expressed their hopes for a successful election outcome that would lead to progress, development, and prosperity for the country.

The ministers underlined the importance of respecting the choices and decisions made by the people, as democracy is a fundamental part of the Turkish society.

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